Following some interest in Roadless running gear in my recent post where I mentioned the Ransomes and Rapier crawler tractor I have done some research and this is what I was able to find out.
Roadless Traction Ltd. was started by Phillip Henry Johnson in 1919. He had at some stage worked for Fowlers so it's no surprise that the first example of Roadless tracks I could find was the steam powered Fowler Snaketrack from1920.
There were several examples of IC engined crawlers from established manufacturers of steam engines. Below is one from "Garret." The one pictured has a Barford and Perkins engine but later models were fitted with Gardner units.
And a single cylinder Marshall.
The Ransomes RT 50.
A Case.
And a couple of Fordsons.
Roadless running gear was fitted to the Ranomes MG and Bristol tractors too.