There can be several reasons why certain companies don't permit photos to be taken and as Paul has said above irresponsibility is just one reason; one of the premises where I took some photos of a couple of machines, the owner was okay about it but asked me not to photograph the merchandise that was at that place which is fair enough as it could attract unwanted attention, plus of course with all this daft health and safety if you filmed or photographed somebody who accidently forgot to wear their PPE or did something dangerous it could cause a whole heap of grief for the owner and with todays legal eagles hell bent on 'no win, no fee' this just adds to the madness.
I'm not suggesting that companies should be dangerous places but many on here have experienced work without the madness of health and safety as we know it today and in general the job still got done without hurt to anybody, why can't we have a more sensible approach to H&S? I guess the 'no win, no fee' really answers my own question!

more photos please and I have yet to get some taken; I missed a chance to bag a shot of an old Akerman that was still working a few weeks back now.