Leyland 600 Injectors

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Leyland 600 Injectors

Post #1 by gamble.greg » Sat Jul 20, 2024 8:13 am

Hi, I am after a set of injectors for a Leyland 600, hopefully there is a new set around somewhere, alternatively a reco set.
They are type 24N, Leyland injectors, part number 287289. These are for the engine in my Fowler, Challenger MK3 crawler. I have tried all the usual sources here in Australia, I can't even get a set of new nozzles here, AND even have to travel near 3 hours just to get someone to spray test the old ones, so the likelihood of them having spares like shims or springs in highly unlikely. The injectors that came out are all marked with different pressure values and were installed so poorly that i had to resort to brute force to get them out and broke one in the fight. All different seat washers had been used and they were all badly carboned up in the sleeves. Just saying so you know the reason why I am after newies.
Cheers. Greg.

Jeremy Rowland
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Re: Leyland 600 Injectors

Post #2 by Jeremy Rowland » Sat Jul 20, 2024 10:25 pm

Hi Greg, I would try looking at some preserved bus websites they may know somebody who would have some as the 600 and 680 were also fitted in buses, must say I would not know where else to start looking.


Topic author
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Joined: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:05 am
Real name: Greg Gamble
Location: Sale, Victoria Australia.
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Re: Leyland 600 Injectors

Post #3 by gamble.greg » Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:03 pm

Thanks Jeremy, yeah I am doing the walk around on the phone a couple of promising leads but not much, I just cant believe how there was so many just in the bus industry alone and not so long ago, but i guess like so many things the china & india scrap prices a few years ago saw a lot of gear gone to god...............I will keep plugging away tho. Cheers, greg

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